My Scrapbooking Club Kit for October
will feature the SARITA papers and embellishments...
and I am ready to take pre-orders for the kits now
through November 5th (or while my supplies last)!
Local club members will be meeting on
Friday, October 25th (6pm-10pm)
to assemble our kits together!
Locals can still pre-order a kit to use at home
even if they can't attend (and I will deliver it at no charge!)
I will begin sending out mail-order kits starting on 10/26.
Online orders received after 10/26 will be mailed
the next business day.
Here are the kit options:
$25 local or $30 mail-order
Includes materials to create 8-12x12 pocket pages to use
for layouts inspired by "Project Life" and/or "Project 365"
4 - 12x12 Photo Storage Pages
Assorted flip-flaps memory protectors (1-4x12 and 2-4x6)
Pre-cut papers (lines are pre-stamped for you!)
Sarita My Stickease Assortment X7171C ($4.95 value)
Sarita Assortment embellishments Z1873 ($5.95 value)
The additional stamped and/or cricut-cut elements shown
will be pre-stamped/cut for you so you can assemble your kit quickly.
I will also send you the full-color photos/instructions
to print/use by e-mail when you purchase this kit.
Please note that your kit will NOT include the extra
4x6 rectangles of white cardstock shown...
Your 4x6 photos are to be inserted into each pocket
where you see the plain white cardstock rectangles.
Pages 1 and 2 (above)
Page 1 with 4x12 flip flap open at the top (above)
Pages 3 and 4 (above)
Pages 5 and 6 (above)

Pages 7 and 8 (above)
...and for those who prefer "traditional" scrapbooking
Two more kit options:
WORKSHOPS-ON-THE-GO KIT (with the Stamps!)
$35 local or $37.69 online-order
(item# G1066* includes the D-size Stamp Set!)
*shown on pages 28-29 of the Idea Book (has a retail value of $39.59 before tax/shipping!!)
$25 locals only
(NO stamp set is will use my stamps
and inks when you attend any upcoming "crop" with me)
The full kit contents (including the stamp set)
can be seen and ordered online by clicking on
this link to my website here:
Sarita Workshops on the Go Kit
*If you plan to attend in person, then please contact me
to reserve your kit (no online purchase required).
The purchase of either of these kits will allow you to create
these FOUR beautiful 12x12 pages:
Additional recommended tools:
Z1790 |
Cricut® Artiste Collection |
Z2123 |
■ Goldrush Exclusive Inks® Pad |
Z2140 |
■ Outdoor Denim Exclusive Inks® Pad |
Z697 |
Sponge |
Z1294 |
Sanding Kit |
Z1151 |
3-D Foam Tape |
Y1002 |
1" × 3 1/2" My Acrylix® Block |
Y1006 |
3" × 3" My Acrylix® Block |
Y1010 |
2" × 6 1/2" My Acrylix® Block |
Y1012 |
4" × 5" My Acrylix® Block |
*I will have all of these items available for your use also when you attend with me :)