Happy Halloween!! (and a "Spellbound" POP-up card for you!)
Well, it's been a long day, but a good one. Jose Jr. had a youth Football game this morning and Isabelle and Wendy also had Cheerleading this morning too. I really enjoy getting out and seeing my kids do so well with their activities - and I am so proud of each of them. Then around 2pm we came home, had a late lunch, and took short naps before getting ready for Halloween and the Trunk-or-Treating at our church parking lot! Emily and Jose Jr. did a fabulous job decorating our trunk and Em passed out candy while Jose and I took the younger kids around to get their treats. Then we stopped by to visit my Mammaw (the kids great-grandma) and Trick-or-Treat at her front door before stopping to get some Del Taco for a late dinner. We had a great day and I got some terrific photos of all the kids in costume and all the festivities - yaay!! I will post some of my best Halloween photos early this next week, but for now I just wanted to share a fun Halloween pop-up card I taught my CTMH consulant team to make last month at our monthly consultant team meeting!
I do want to say THANKS to fellow CTMH consultant Rachelle Funk! This free-standing Pop-Up card is totally inspired by one she created with the Treasure Life SOTM set from Sept 08, a card she had sent me over a year ago. I've had her card sitting on my display shelf in my stamp room all this time because it has always inspired me, and so I finally had a chance to try making a Pop-Up card of my own! I love how this card folds closed and is a standard size when flat so you can mail it in a standard-sized envelope also! I promise to come back to this post and share the directions with you sometime soon!
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