This is the Gaylord National hotel in National Harbor near Washington DC where the Convention was held!

The hotel is along-side the Potomac River, so here is the beautiful evening view overlooking the water that we had - just breath-taking.

Our corporate staff sure did an amazing job entertaining and inspiring us. During one of the general sessions these ladies did the cutest "Scrappin' Ladies" version of the Beyonce "Single Ladies" song (and dance)! Check it out on you tube
here! They had us laughing and smiling so hard there were happy tears even! Definately one of my favorite memories from the week!
They also did the funniest spoof of the Brady Bunch that you can check out
here. Too hilarious!

This is me with my upline Mary Aragon (on the far right) as well as Mary's sideline Sharon Wade (left), and my sideline Jolene Colman (middle). We are anxiously awaiting being let in to the convention center for the first general session when many of the NEW products will be revealed!

This is my sweet new friend Kristin Yatso (one of my room-mates) with (left to right) Starr Nelson, Paula Cameranesi, and Denise Quinlan (Starr and Denise were also my room-mates). Starr, Paula, and Denise are also part of my downline consultant team - love you ladies - and I sure had fun with you!! I took this photo of them during Extravaganza - which is a jam-packed event taught by creative CTMH consultant leaders who share their artwork tips and technique ideas to help us learn to be even more creative!

Here I am pointing to one of the cards I created that was chosen to be featured on the consultant's artwork display wall (so neat to be picked - yaay)!

Can you spot my name listed above as one of the artwork wall contributors?!

Here I am again pointing to another one of my cards!

Here is another one of my cards (pink one in the center) that I found on the artwork wall!

Here I am with my friend Dawn Ross. Dawn and I have been in our Stamp of the Month swap together for many years and she is a fantastic artist. I was so excited to finally get to meet her in person and we had a great time visiting and getting to know each other even better.

This is me (and my friend Starr Nelson on the right) coming down the stairs to get in line to receive our NEW autumn/winter Idea Books - yipee!!

These are the same crowded stairs you just saw above without all the consultants coming down them. They were decorated by CTMH and say:
Picture This
We are Close to my Heart
Fly on the (wings) of creativity
A community built on (heart)
The (frame)-work for success
Soar like a (butterfly)
Wear the (crown) of your achievements
Isn't that beautiful? (I just LOVE that)!

I really liked the window decals too! We were told that all of the symbols we saw around us are meaningful to CTMH. The butterfly's represent our desire to fly by finding success in life, which may require many transformations (change and improvement allow us growth which is always good)! Just like a butterfly, we too can emerge from our caterpillar-like state to be even more beautiful!

Because I was there a few days early I got to see the crew putting up this really cool sign on the big windows located just above the stairs of the Convention center!

Here's that same sign seen from the top of the stairs. I love this photo of two fellow consultants who appear to be holding the frame with their hands - too cute! (the consultant in the pink on the right is my new friend Patricia Cosgrove that we met and got to know during dinner out one night)!

This is me with my friends Lisa Stenz and Starr Nelson at the closing banquet (can you tell I'd been crying like a baby? - my glasses are all smudged and I look like a wreck, lol). I always get so emotional by the end of Convention. I just had so much fun and feel so inspired, so motivated, and ready to conquer the world, lol!

After a very elegant fine dinner, we were entertained by Anita Renfroe while we enjoyed our desserts! If you've never heard Anita's very famous "The Mom Song" you need to check it out
here on you tube. It's hilarious!! Her latest new version of Taylor Swift's (a more real) "Love Story"
here is one of my favorites too! This was another time we laughed so hard we cried!

This famous artist painted a portrait of CTMH founder and CEO Jeanette Lynton with his hands in just under 5 minutes (as a surprise to Jeanette from the corporate staff)!
It was simply AMAZING to watch!

Monica Wihongi, CTMH's vice-president of training/events and consultant services, makes the big announcement!
Convention 2011 will be (drum roll please)...
in Anaheim, California at the newly renovated
Disneyland Hotel and Convention Center!!
July 14-16, 2011
(yaay for us! - so close to home!!)
I'd LOVE for you to become a consultant on my team so you can join me for next years fun!!

Farewell beautiful Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, Washington DC! We had a grand time!!
I have come home feeling so re-newed and ready to be a better wife, mother, and CTMH consultant and team leader!
1 comment:
Love your great posts about your sightseeing and convention! What a lot of fun!
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